Free! First Aid & Safety Training Series!
Join us on the 4th Saturday of each month, from 10am-12pm in the Multipurpose Room as we cover a variety of helpful and necessary topics.
*Registration required to reserve a spot. No payment necessary. *
May 27th - Water Safety
*Rip Currents *Drowning *Dry Drowning
*Buddy System *Boat Safety *Emergency Kit Items
June 24th - Wildfire Safety
*Defensible Perimeter *Evacuation
*Know Your Zone *Emergency Kit Items
July 22 - Outdoor Safety
*Snakes *Hypothermia *Sunstroke/Heat Stroke
*Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac *Insect Bites *Emergency Kit Items
August 26 - Family First Aid
*Cuts, Scrapes, Lacerations *Sprains *Burns
*Fractures *Food Poisoning *Poisoning *Choking
*Emergency Kit Items
September 23 - Home Safety
*Electricity *Natural Gas
October 28 - Earthquake Safety
*Strapping Free-standing Items *Cabinet Latches
*Gas Shut-off Wrench *Strap Water Heater
*During an Earthquake Actions *Emergency Kit Items
Age Range: 18+